Wednesday, August 8, 2012

LA TERRA TREMA - Decomposition of the main scene

   Of all the sequences in the film, in my opinion, there are three more demarcated by both the narrative, as the meaning of the image in the narrative. At the beginning of the movie presentation that is given us in the first five plans is in my view, a sort of summary of the whole movie, so a sequence that I consider important, because Visconti goal of this work to surface the injustice experienced by these people. Visconti shows not only wrong, but produces a number of possibilities and adventures that eventually overwhelm the village. Hence, the second sequence that would be considered to analyze flow and return of the men of the family Valastro sea with his boat party. This is certainly the most important result regarding the film's narrative, it is an adventure where the plot takes shape even greater suffering. A third sequence that I found interesting review, would be the sequence where N'toni and their younger siblings to work again ask former employers, while they enjoy with their hungry faces. Both of these three sequences are important, but my point of view, following the first film has a set of information in the following sequences do not exist. Visconti, as I said, intends to demonstrate the injustice this time lived in the village of Acitrezza. Since this first sequence a representation of that injustice, and their plans respresentantes day to day in this village, can not fail to assume this sequence, the sequence of the movie.
   So step plan to plan to break this sequence, which in my opinion is representative of the entire film.
In the foreground appears the Church (picture 1.),

                               Picture 1

Their bells ringing, subsequently, there is a panoramic view towards the sea (Fig. 1a), 

                               Picture 1.a

,where fishermen are coming from the sea and shouting: "It's been four days! The boats are full! The sea was generous this time! Lower the sails. " The voice-over narrator adds: "As always, the first to start the day Acitrezza are fishermen, who go to sea, the sun was not born yet! Because every night, the boats go to sea and return at dawn to fish! When there are fish, it is possible to survive in Acitrezza! From grandfather to father and son, has always been so. " This plan divided between land and sea is like a call from employer and employee, employer for part of the church observing the fishermen village and warns all of its departures and arrivals of the sea.
   All the village revolves around the bell, while the sea is like a main character, the entire population fears and needs.
   In the foreground are centered elements, in which the plot revolves, sea and land. We went into the background, where Mary looks out the door after hearing the bells ring (Fig. 2.), 

                               Fig . 2

   As was expected every day the sound of the bell, by the arrival of his brothers and grandfather, who left at dawn to the sea. The anguish of these women is marked by their black robes, and carried through the shadows. This woman, after looking through the door addressed to another element of the plot, the houses where they live and spend their time waiting for their men. Thus there is established a link between the bell, the sea, the fishermen and women, because after all these women hope every day in their homes by the ringing of the bell for their fishermen husbands, go back to the sea.
  Inside the house, calls his two sisters to help her clean the house ( fig. 3.), 

                               Fig . 3

   For men of the family arrived. While opening the windows, is narrated in voiceover: "A house like many others, built with stones. Its walls are as old as the fishermen. At this time, the house wakes up. "When the bell rings there is a change of heart for these women, or relief when their husbands come and the sea, or distress when they go to sea. Mara, candlelight and with the windows closed, when he learns that the men arrived, opened the windows and off the candles, as a metaphor for a release of anxiety to see his men safe and sound.
   "It is the home of the Valastro! While working, women think about their men, returning from the sea, because there is always a boat at sea, from the first Valastro, "we are said by the narrator and so begins the following plan (Fig. 4), ´

                               Fig . 4

,where it is shown that all generations from children to seniors, work. The girls stay with their mothers and boys with their parents at sea. As stated in the plan (Fig. 5),

                               Fig . 5

 ,where the younger sister wets the floor, while Mara Lucia scans and cleans the old furniture, which transpire an ambience of a decadent space, surrounded by portraits, as a kind of refuge in memories that these photos depict.
   "They think of the grandfather and the brothers and also his father, who has not returned one morning from the sea ..." The characters are looking at a picture, we have not been noticeable, but is revealed through the narrator and the dialogue between the characters, looking at his family, as shown in the following scheme (Fig. 6). 

                                Fig . 6

   Here arises a presentation of the Valastro family very interesting because not only Visconti films women looking men in the family, but also highlights the fear here that these women have one day of his men did not return from the sea, as has happened before, as noted the narrator. Do not stay here, Visconti uses the image plane 6, where the camera approaches the table, with the aim of further enhancing existing fear, when Mara says, "They're all at sea! The sea is bitter ", as an outburst.
   Thus only five plans, Visconti tells how this society lives, assuming that this is your goal, I think this sequence is very well designed.

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